We unify and secure IT


Founded in 2015, Secure Networks is a Value Added Distributor based in Dtec, Dubai Silicon Oasis, United Arab Emirates.

The company’s philosophy is to work closely with channel partners through knowledge sharing and skill building initiatives to serve customers across Governments, Banking and Finance, Telco, Oil and Gas, Education, Healthcare, Hospitality and Retail sectors.


Dtec provides a unique and complete startup ecosystem under one roof for startups. The facilities provided by Dtec and community is unmatched in the MENA region. The coworking space encourages collaboration , gives startups like Secure Networks a head start and the networking events hosted by Dtec helps ensure we get our name out there and stay on top of industry trends.


Your Trusted Security Advisor

Security & Compliance

Addressing security vulnerabilities demands regulatory compliance now a reality.

Infrastructure Monitoring

Move IT operations from a reactive team to works intelligently for the business.

Systems Management

Most IT teams say it takes weeks, even months, to deploy critical applications.

Data Privacy

Privacy compliance is accordance with personal information protection guidelines, specifications or legislation.

Asset Management

Losing track of assets puts organization at risk from non-compliance.

Data Protection

Helping Enterprises to Protect, Govern, Manage and Secure Data Solutions.


your trusted security Advisor

Vulnerability assessment is crucial component to security

Next generation attack vectors require suitable controls in-place to protect organizations

One of the main security risks that threaten organization protection

Penetration testing method in security assessment practice.

By increasing number of security technologies in modern organizations

We do deep network scanning to discover networks weaknesses

Humans are the weakest link in information security.


Contextual Data Intelligence for Compliance, Privacy & Governance


Cybersecurity Assurance and Compliance Platform

Partner Program

Your Trusted Security Advisor

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